Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 1 with Pictures

Home to Rangeley Lake, Maine, Friday, August 19

I was up late the night before and didn't get a chance to pack the bike.  I ended up doing it last minute and had to repack my clothes twice.  The large bag Craig let me borrow fit everything, so I probably ended up bringing too much stuff.

The large pack on the top weighed about 35 pounds.  I had about 65 pounds in the side cases.  I violated my rule about too much weight.  The bike felt heavy at first but eventually I did get used to the handling.

I left my house at 11am, much later than expected.  My route was to take me up Interstate 91 to St. Johnsbury, Vermont, then east into New Hampshire and then Maine.

The weather was beautiful, temps in the 80's (thermo in the sun) and sunny.  It was much warmer than I expected.

I stopped a few times to check the weight and make sure the bag was loaded securely.  In Putney, VT I was pulled over and another KLR, like mine, pulled up next to me.  I didn't catch the rider's name, but he had just gotten back from Labrador within the past week or so.

I saw a 1959 pink Cadillac convertible towing an Airstream trailer on 91, which I thought was funny.

The afternoon ride was uneventful.  I stopped for a bit in Stark, NH, which has a covered bridge and the remains of a German POW camp.  The village is bordered by some mountains, so it's a picturesque place.

From Stark I headed north on Route 16 towards Errol, NH and along the Andoscroggin River.  This is one of my favorite New England rides.

I can't go to Errol without stopping at LL Cote's, a combination hunting/outdoor/grocery/museum.  They also have a stuffed albino moose inside.

I asked for some camping recommendations and decided on Rangeley State Park, across the border in Maine.  My GPS routed me in a very roundabout way, but I finally got my spot, tired from a long day riding.

The Lake was mere yards from my campsite.

view from the Lake to my campsite

I had my own little jetty

After setting up camp I headed back into town to do some sightseeing and get something to eat.  There is a scenic overlook right on Route 4 that has the best views of Rangeley Lake.

 I then went down to the town landing and got to watch a gorgeous sunset.

On my way home from dinner I saw a large moose on the side of the road.  They took off before I got close but that scared me enough to slow down considerably.

Immediately after taking this picture the fire went out.  The wood from the park was unseasoned and wet.  Still it was good to be started on my trip.

Total mileage for the day was 299, with a total travel time of 7 hours and 47 minutes.

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